
>> Wednesday, December 10, 2008

前幾天在化工系的Student Seminar,講完Presentaion後,在場的化工系學生會填一張evaluation form,給予講者意見(其實這個seminar對我們而言,很像修一門課,通常是需要出席的)。
評分方式(1-7):1-2(需要改進, needs improvement),3-4(平均, average),5-6(好, good),7(非常好, excellent)。
結果:組織(Organization): 5.32, 科技內容(Techinical Content): 5.53, 報告方式(Presentation Style): 4.92, 討論應對(Handing of Discussion): 5.38。
建議:1. Try to minimize occasions when you read the text of your slides to us, especially for long sentences.
2. The slides were a little crowded but otherwise very good.
3. Cover slide is boring. Relatively good delivery in comparison to other non-native english speakers. You need to be more animated with your talk and get the audience excited about what you are excited about. Always relate your work to the ultimate goal, i.e. the reason why the research is being conducted in the first place.
4. It was a nice talk.
5. Confusing to introduce new data after conclusions.
6. Very clear.
7. Too small and too many words in some slides.
8. Don't put too much on 1 slide, and when you put something on the slide, make sure people can read it. Nice work on the phase diagram and morphology.
9. It is poor presentation style to put complete sentences on slildes and you did this on your conclusions slide.
10. Good talk.
11. Some of the wording in the slides are very tiny; exp: Label on graphs. Hard to read. Try not to put full sentenses on the slides.
12. Very nice images of the fibers.
13. Organization, esp of introduction, needs to be improved.
14. You seemed nervous- relax!!
15. Text in figures not visible. Slides should be slightly less crowded.


Sidney 5:11 PM  

congratulations!! :D
Great job~~ so be more confident ^^

Chia-Ling 12:15 PM  

Sidney, I am so touched that you come to my talk and told me that you understand it!


Practice: Toastmaster Friday Club.


1. Leverage S3E5, Lie to me: S3E12, Criminal Minds: S6E9.
2. Learn French, and Spanish?
3. http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Non-Programmer%27s_Tutorial_for_Python_2.6
4. 學化妝。


2011/6過後: 歐洲

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