
>> Monday, June 30, 2008

My first paper manuscript @MIT ,英文草稿第一次被教授批改後,回來的評語。

前言:教授說:「這份草稿需要很多工作,因為文法和結構上數不清的錯誤,整體呈現方式很難讓人理解。」("This manuscript needs a lot of work. Presentation is hard to follow due to numerous grammatical and structural errors." By my advisor.)
我心中OS:「我英文真爛。」("My English sucks." By Chia-Ling)

注意事項:1. 避免使用未來式,這是很少需要的。(Avoid use of future tense; it is rarely necessary.)
2. 簡介中不必要預告結論。(You have presaged your conclusions. Ok, but not necessary.)
3. 總是要記得包括單位。(Always include units.)
4. 用and去連結兩個不相關的句子。(Avoid run-on sentences, where “and” is used to connect two unrelated concepts.)
5. 在科技文章中,避免用第二人稱。(Avoid use of 2nd person “you” in technical writing.)
6. 公式也是句子的一部份,需要有動詞。(Need a verb- even equations should be parts of complete sentences.)
7. 句子的結構(我超愛寫超長的句子,這樣是不好的),動詞的時態和使用,還有他們和主詞的關係,都必須要好好注意。(Sentence structure needs work here. You really need to pay close attention to the use and tense of verbs, and their agreement with the subject of the sentence.)
8. 在文章內提到別人的某篇文章,需寫出第一作者的名字,如果超過兩個作者,則加上"et al";當文章內提到某個研究團體的很多篇文章,寫出裡面資深研究者的名字,並加上"and coworkers"。(When citing a single source, use name of first author and “et al” if more than two authors; acknowledge senior investigator “and coworkers” when citing two or more papers by the same group.)
9. 當文章中一直出現"之前討論過"或"將在之後討論",那就表示文章的組織有問題,必須避免這些情況發生。(Whenever you say “as discussed previously” or “to be discussed later”, it is a sign that the paper needs to be reorganized. The reader should be led through the logic of the paper without being redirected backward or ahead. Try to eliminate these jumps.)



Practice: Toastmaster Friday Club.


1. Leverage S3E5, Lie to me: S3E12, Criminal Minds: S6E9.
2. Learn French, and Spanish?
3. http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Non-Programmer%27s_Tutorial_for_Python_2.6
4. 學化妝。


2011/6過後: 歐洲

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