[Drama]Gossip Girl
>> Wednesday, February 18, 2009

ps. They are very young. The little girl on the right hand side of the first picture is only 14 years old (!!!!!!).
ps2. "You know you love me. XOXO. Gossip girl." You will heard this in every episode. What does XOXO mean? I googled it, and I found it means "Hugs and Kisses." What more surprises me is that I bought a cloth branded XOXO last year (just found it in my closet yesterday). It did have the "Hugs and Kisses" on the mark beside XOXO which I never pay attention to it before.
From IMDB (8.0/10.0): Privileged teenagers attend an elite private school in New York City. Based on Alloy Entertainment's book series.
Other people's blog (in Mandarin, 中文): http://www.wretch.cc/blog/justin0206/13870032
From IMDB (8.0/10.0): Privileged teenagers attend an elite private school in New York City. Based on Alloy Entertainment's book series.
Other people's blog (in Mandarin, 中文): http://www.wretch.cc/blog/justin0206/13870032

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