[Paper]My first electrospinning paper here

>> Tuesday, February 24, 2009

If you wanna see my first paper here (Macromolecules), click the link:
Publication Date (Web): February 20, 2009.


Yesterday, I had a gathering, proposed by me, with three of my male friends (in addition to one of my roommates). I was happy before I met them, and then I felt unhappy at the very beginning of our conversation.

What on earth went wrong? After that, I keep thinking...

Anyway, my roommate has nothing to do with this unhappy event, so let's just focus on me and three of my friends.

As one of us said, why should we have this gathering?
Without the gathering, we are totally fine as usual.
With the gathering, someone (which is me) felt unhappy at the beginning, and then, as a consequence, the atmosphere among us went down, cold and chilly.

Is this statement true? Not really.

Without this kind of uncomfortable events, something would never be understood.

What conversation might trigger my anger? (Of course I know, I kind of behave weird that night. I should stay calm and be friendly to my friends, and be a nice host. But sometimes you just cannot control your emotion...)

Still try to focus on the event between me and three males.
Does the trigger originate from the sensation difference between males and females? Some jokes and jeers males feel natural actually discomfort the female and hurt her dignity. (In the end, I should feel happy. At least, I begin to think and behave more like a female...)

People who speak sweetly usually make people happy.
People who speak straight (sometimes blurt up something silly) might make people feel upset.
Should we be a person who speaks sweetly?
Or should we say whatever we wanted to say and reveal our true feeling without considering what other people might feel under any condition?
It is a dilemma.

We don't need to be someone people expected us to be. Just be ourselves, and think more about other people's feeling at their position. Vice versa. Only when we go through something, we know how people feel and what they care about.

Anyway, true friends will be still friends after a fight or something, and become even better friends. No fight, no appreciation.

Figure origin: static4.photo.sina.com.cn.

[報稅]2009美國報稅(for 2008)

去年報稅經驗(for 2007):

今年報稅經驗(for 2008)(大概兩個小時內就可以申報完畢,因為我是個收入單純的F1學生,只有W2, 1099-HC和1099-INT forms):
報稅要報聯邦稅(Federal tax)和州稅(State tax)。
聯邦稅: 如果你是MIT的國際學生,那聯邦稅可以用CINTAX這個軟體報(必須印出來寄過去): https://web.mit.edu/iso/resources/cintax/index.html
州稅: 這次我改用麻州政府的Web file(對我而言是免費的),也就是說直接網路上填報就可以了: https://wfb.dor.state.ma.us/income/Default.aspx
Update: 2/12/2009申報的州稅,2/18/2009就退回來了。

[Drama]Gossip Girl

>> Wednesday, February 18, 2009

In order to enhance my english listening, I cannot just addict to the Taiwanese and Japanese drame. Recently, I found a nice American drama: Gossip Girl. All the actors in this drama are handsome and pretty. They can be your eye candy and mind candy. Besides, you can peek in through the life in New York's Upper East side.
ps. They are very young. The little girl on the right hand side of the first picture is only 14 years old (!!!!!!).
ps2. "You know you love me. XOXO. Gossip girl." You will heard this in every episode. What does XOXO mean? I googled it, and I found it means "Hugs and Kisses." What more surprises me is that I bought a cloth branded XOXO last year (just found it in my closet yesterday). It did have the "Hugs and Kisses" on the mark beside XOXO which I never pay attention to it before.
From IMDB (8.0/10.0): Privileged teenagers attend an elite private school in New York City. Based on Alloy Entertainment's book series.
Other people's blog (in Mandarin, 中文): http://www.wretch.cc/blog/justin0206/13870032


>> Friday, February 13, 2009

Today: Friday The 13th.
Tomorrow: Valentine's Day.
Dr. Anonymous said "We single people should fight together against the valentine devil." (He wants me to respect the copyright and not say that he said it...Dilemma)


>> Monday, February 09, 2009

Movie: 1. He's just not that into you. (A story about finding true love and challenges of reading or misreading human behavior. Sounds interesting, isn't it?)
2. Revolutionary road. (A nice but heavy story.)
3. Hilary and Jackie. (杜普蕾之無情荒地有情天, a story about a cellist.)
Book: The girl with the dragon tattoo. (Mohan's recommendation.)
Software: SAS (statistics), ABAQUS (finite elements).
Taiwanese Drama: 光陰的故事(進度第十集完,眷村裡的溫馨人情故事,目前最愛已消失的麻花伯)。
Vision: Eventually, people try to help people.


>> Thursday, February 05, 2009

總之,我的帥管家還蠻歡樂的,不過,這樣的歡樂似乎沒辦法讓我期待到第四集,吸引力就有逐漸轉淡的趨勢,取而代之的則是另外一部日劇:Love Shuffle,好看!
裡面的心理醫生提到, 人有生的本能,也有死的本能。


>> Wednesday, February 04, 2009


Shang-Yi 行屍走肉 says:原來..你回台灣都跟我熬夜玩電動阿XD
CHIA-LING@BOS 終於又能看懂英文 says:XD
Shang-Yi 行屍走肉 says:你回歸你的生活...
CHIA-LING@BOS 終於又能看懂英文 says:這是事實阿
Shang-Yi 行屍走肉 says:而我還在繼續XD
CHIA-LING@BOS 終於又能看懂英文 says:好好笑喔
Shang-Yi 行屍走肉 says:XDDDDDDD
CHIA-LING@BOS 終於又能看懂英文 says:我回來換成看日劇


Practice: Toastmaster Friday Club.


1. Leverage S3E5, Lie to me: S3E12, Criminal Minds: S6E9.
2. Learn French, and Spanish?
3. http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Non-Programmer%27s_Tutorial_for_Python_2.6
4. 學化妝。


2011/6過後: 歐洲

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