
>> Monday, April 25, 2011


[音樂]Lifehouse: Halfway Gone

>> Thursday, April 21, 2011

You were always hard to hold. So letting go ain't easy.
I'm hanging on but growing cold. While my mind is leaving.

*Talk, talk is cheap. Give me a word you can keep.
Cause you're halfway gone and I'm on my way.
And I'm feelin, feelin feelin this way.
Cause I'm halfway in but don't take too long.
Cause I'm halfway gone, I'm halfway gone.

You got one foot out the door. And choking on the other.
Always think there's something more. It's just around the corner.*

If you want me out, then I'm on my way. And I'm feelin, feelin feelin this way

Don't take too long, don't take too long. Cause I'm on my way.
If you take too long. Cause I'm halfway gone and I'm on way.
And I'm feelin, feelin I'm feelin this way.
Cause you're halfway in but don't take too long.
Cause I'm halfway gone, I'm halfway gone.


Mechanical Properties Of Individual Electrospun PA 6(3)T Fibers And Their Variation With Fiber Diameter

[電影] 愛情三選一(Definitely, Maybe)

>> Sunday, April 17, 2011

好久沒寫看完電影的感想了,繼2008年之後(網誌右邊的電影裡,最後一篇是小太陽的願望),時間過著真快,並不是沒繼續看電影了,而是這些日子裡有點懶散了(or something happened at that moment, so I gave up my writing to focus on it)。
最近看了一部好電影:愛情三選一(Definitely, maybe)。
故事的結構很有趣,有一天正在離婚中的Will,他的11歲小女兒Maya(超超超可愛),在學校上了健康教育課後,回家後就一直追問"I think you should tell me the story of you and my mom."(你應該告訴我你和我媽的故事。)
可是Will不肯說,所以Maya改問另一個問題"Did you have another girlfriend before you met her?"(你遇到我媽之前有沒有其他女朋友?)
Will嘆氣說"I had two serious girlfriends, and then some other, a smattering of other women that I dated."(我有兩個認真交往的女朋友,然後一些約會過的女人。)
這時候Maya表情嚴肅地問"You know. What's the boy word for slut?"(你知道嗎,爸,男生版的蕩婦該怎麼說?)
故事裡,是夢想要當總統的Will(最後end up廣告行銷)和三個女人的故事: 穩定交往的大學女友Emily,競選總部打工認識的紅粉知己April,和大膽狂放的專欄作家Summer。
裡面有很多好笑的片段,譬如說Will講到他去超商買菸,結果紐約的菸比Madison的貴很多時,Maya大喊"Hold it! Stop. Stop right there!"(等一下,停住,就停在那裡。)
然後哀怨地問她爸"You smoked?"(你抽菸?)
Will"I didn't mean to tell you that."(我並不想告訴你這個。)
Maya"Is there anything else you should tell me?"(那還有其它你應該告訴我的事嗎?)
Will"Probably not."(或許沒有。)

[芭蕾]Boston Ballet: Nutcracker and A Midsummer Night's Dream

>> Saturday, April 16, 2011

最後就是在波士頓看Boston Ballet表演Nutcracker(去年聖誕節)和A Midsummer Night's Dream(今天)。
首先是買票,Boston Ballet的票通常有五種等級:Section 1 ($100+), A (~$100), B (~$80), C (~$50), D (~$35),柴可夫斯基的Nutcracker(胡桃鉗),當初是subscribe Boston Ballet的email,有一天發現可以五折價買Section A or B,就很開心地買了Section B的座位(原價$78打五折),左圖是座位表,最下面的橘色框框是舞台,當初的位置在中間的橘色框框,其實離舞台不遠,看得也挺清楚,還不錯的位置。
今天威廉·莎士比亞的A Midsummer Night's Dream(仲夏夜之夢)是Ashdown宿舍有部份贊助的團體票,Section C(原價$47,團體價$27,宿舍贊助後的價錢是$15),位置在最上方的橘色框框,是二樓的位置,肢體語言還可以看清楚,不過人物表情就看不太到,會有點吃力。
再來是表演:老實說看Boston Ballet都沒有我高中時在台灣看芭蕾的感動。
Nutcracker的表演比A Midsummer Night's Dream好看一點,我也不知道怎麼說,前者適合全家大小一起看,有過節氣氛,比較歡樂,一開始開幕很多老人年輕人和小孩們歡聚過聖誕節,看著年輕舞者扮老人樣子跳舞有模有樣挺有趣,後來夜晚來臨老鼠們和胡桃鉗軍隊的打仗聲勢浩大,魔術師帶小女孩到白雪王國和雲上國家參觀各式各樣的舞蹈,令人眼花撩亂,雖然舞者在團體舞蹈表演並不整齊劃一,但整個故事活潑有趣(雖然是很簡單的故事),道具五花八門,服裝華麗,讓人充滿想像力。
不過今天仲夏夜之夢很好笑,前半場結束在三對戀人後來都愛上他們該愛的人,然後演員就出來謝幕了...然後我們本來以為沒有中場休息就演完了,真是好短的芭蕾舞(約一小時),跟pipi討論說還好只花了$15,正準備走出Opera House回家時,pipi說:『難道下一場的人已經來了,不然Opera House裡面怎麼還是擠滿了人』,我說:『應該不會,一天只有兩場的樣子』,後來pipi還看到有人在走廊點酒喝之類的,然後就說她彷彿有看到小冊子上有Act2,我們急忙把小冊子翻出來看,還真的有Act2,所以我們又默默地從門口退回來,爬上樓回到原本的位置等待Act2,原來Act2沒啥劇情,就是戀人們的婚禮,然後就一直跳舞慶祝,老實說比前半段好看多了,因為在主角舞者功力不純青時,團體舞還是比較好看點,最後結束在仲夏夜樹林裡綠色小精靈們,拿著橙色小燈,彷彿樹林裡滿佈一片螢火蟲,就真的謝幕了!(那Act1的謝幕不知道是在幹麻?後來回Ashdown後,在門口遇到一個也有去看的外國人,他也說Act1結束的那個謝幕真是出現的太突然了。)
心得:Opera House超漂亮的,可惜不能照相,而且我也沒帶相機:p


>> Friday, April 15, 2011




[好吃]Flour Bakery

>> Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Flour是一家麵包店,在麻州有三家分店,分別在South End, Fort Point和Central Square,最後這個地點,就幾乎在我去實驗室的路上,常常裡面都是擁擠的人群,生意超好。
所以在我錯過巴士的某一天,不想走到Kendall Square的Starbucks,就順路進去光顧一下。
買了左圖這個不便宜的Low Fat Chocolate Cake,要價美金$4.XX(不記得詳細數字,不過是裡面最貴的一個,大小就是一般的muffin),但是真的很好吃,尤其是最頂端灑糖粉的部分,整體吃起來感覺像是好吃餐廳的飯後甜點,如果可以熱熱的,會有火山熔岩蛋糕的fu,我終於知道為什麼這家麵包店老是生意這麼好的原因了。
偶爾換點口味嘗試新口味,多巴胺會讓人快樂 :D

[音樂]義大利歌 Biagio Antonacci - Il Cielo Ha Una Porta Sola

>> Saturday, April 09, 2011

Hey, how's it going? that mild wind stopped blowing
consider that inside me it's spring for half a hour by now
the sky has one gate only
you stopped hurting. your fragile thoughts
you've started to make peace with yourself
and you always live everything in the shadow
I like you, you tell me. I am not able to love you the way you want me to
writing you from here. from this land that is also yours
it's like making you breathe what I breathe. the white ship of each hour
I like you, you tell me. you don't deserve the worst part of me, no, not you
and it's not for rushing you. and it's not because of the distance
I live and everything lives without you
I write you in order to hear from you. I write to you without time
I could even not receive anything back
because what I feel for you is strong. what I feel for you is still that I
like you...you tell me. I am not able to love you
how's the weather there? you must be at the seaside already
take your time and don't ever feel guilty. will is still the one deciding
I like you, you tell me. the sky has one gate only
I like you, you tell me. the sky has one gate only, open it, open it

Oye, como va. ha smesso quel bel vento
considera che in me è primavera da mezz'ora
il cielo ha una porta sola
hai smesso di far male. ai tuoi fragili pensieri
hai cominciato a fare pace con te stessa tu
e vivi tutto sempre in ombra
tu mi piaci tu mi dici. non sono in grado di amarti come vuoi
scriverti da qui. che è anche terra tua. è come farti respirare quello che respiro
la nave bianca d'ogni ora
tu mi piaci tu mi dici. non meriti la parte mia peggiore no, tu no
e non è per farti fretta. e non è per la distanza. tutto vivo e vive senza te
io ti scrivo per sentire. io ti scrivo senza tempo. potrei anche non ricevere
che quello che io sento di te è forte. quello che io sento di te è sempre che tu...
mi piaci... tu mi dici. non sono in grado di amarti
lì che tempo fa. tu sarai già al mare
prenditi il tuo tempo e non sentirti in colpa mai
la volontà decide ancora
tu mi piaci tu mi dici. il cielo ha una porta sola
tu mi piaci tu mi dici. il cielo ha una porta sola,aprila,aprila

歌詞來源: http://lyricstranslate.com/en/Il-cielo-ha-una-porta-sola-Il-cielo-ha-una-porta-sola.html


Practice: Toastmaster Friday Club.


1. Leverage S3E5, Lie to me: S3E12, Criminal Minds: S6E9.
2. Learn French, and Spanish?
3. http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Non-Programmer%27s_Tutorial_for_Python_2.6
4. 學化妝。


2011/6過後: 歐洲

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