
>> Tuesday, July 27, 2010

上週六:從Davis Square走路回到Ashdown。

上週日:MIT Sailing,上課時完全有聽沒有懂,我對方向轉來轉去啥的,都感到很困擾,正式開始帆船時,真是嚇死了,完全不想下水,因為有點怕水,還好沒翻船,我們是三號船,不過13號翻船了(Capsize)。
本週一:Group outing Biking,我以為來回只要一個多小時,沒想到來回整整花了四個多小時,沒吃早餐就開始騎,還好師母的腳踏車超好騎,讓我在沒有能量的支撐下,還可以輕鬆抵達目的地,後來卯起來在公園裡補充能量(水果漢堡香腸等東西),還喝了一瓶啤酒(裝在塑膠杯裡偽裝成其它飲料),後來騎回來也蠻ok的,一路上心有餘力都可以衝很前面幫大家拍照,今天起床竟然一點都不酸痛,真是太強了,原來我不虛嘛。在公園裡的時候,老師問我一年後畢業要幹麻,我說在美國找工作吧,錢比較多,如果找不到,我就回台灣賣水果,哈哈哈,後來老師還在那邊開玩笑說"有其它electrospinning start up可以找她去,不過她比較偏好回台灣賣水果就是了。"我本來還想說要回去種田的,可是想不起來英文怎麼說...恩,現在還是想不起來。




>> Tuesday, July 20, 2010


ps.我要重考learner's permit的筆試了,自從7/10突錘沒辦法考之後,暑假太熱門,都約不到時間路考,明天permit就要過期了,呼。

ps2.日劇裡說,要看一家公司是不是要破產,首先,踏進公司後,看看那些盆栽和花瓶裡的鮮花,是不是有被妥善照顧,再來看看一些日常用具有沒有年久失修的狀態(印表機啊,日光燈之類的),第三個看的地方就是員工的士氣,從小地方來觀察。從以上的根據,我有種google要爛掉的感覺,首先,之前gmail常出狀況,再來就是今天google finance開始會delay了,之前都不會,超即時,第三就是我每次google "GOOG",很久以前第一個出現的都是google自己的網頁,但是現在都是yahoo在第一個,所以從小地方看google,他要爛掉了。
7/27 update: 是我的第六感太懶了嗎,至今只看到goog逆勢成長,沒有爛掉:p

[音樂]Fireflies (owl city)

>> Monday, July 19, 2010

Fireflies lyrics
Songwriters: Young, Adam;

You would not believe your eyes. If ten million fireflies.
Lit up the world as I fell asleep.
'Cause they'd fill the open air. And leave teardrops everywhere.
You'd think me rude. But I would just stand and stare.

*I'd like to make myself believe. That planet Earth turns slowly.
It's hard to say that I'd rather stay. Awake when I'm asleep.
'Cause everything is never as it seems. (When I fall asleep).

'Cause I'd get a thousand hugs. From ten thousand lightning bugs.
As they tried to teach me how to dance.
A foxtrot above my head. A sock hop beneath my bed.
A disco ball is just hanging by a thread.

Leave my door open just a crack (Please take me away from here).
'Cause I feel like such an insomniac (Please take me away from here).
Why do I tire of counting sheep (Please take me away from here).
When I'm far too tired to fall asleep.
To ten million fireflies. I'm weird 'cause I hate goodbyes.
I got misty eyes as they said farewell.
But I'll know where several are. If my dreams get real bizarre.
'Cause I saved a few and I keep them in a jar.

I'd like to make myself believe. That planet earth turns slowly.
It's hard to say that I'd rather stay. Awake when I'm asleep.
Because my dreams are bursting at the seams.



>> Tuesday, July 13, 2010


ps. Andrew的VSE太強了,已經有50+%的return了。

[心得]讀書筆記: Margin of Safety (Seth Klarman, 1991)

>> Friday, July 02, 2010

Introduction: Benjamin Graham, David Dodd, Warren Buffett. value-investment process.
1. "The greatest challenge is maintaining the requisite patience and discipline to buy only when prices are attractive and to sell when they are not, avoiding the short-term performance frenzy that engulfs most market participants."
2. 不要只看短期return,也要看到risk。
3. 普通投資者和價值投資者的區別。

Chap 1: Where Most Investors Stumble (哪裡是大多數投資者失策的地方?)
1. investors vs. speculators.
前者重視潛在的生意價值,後者只靠猜測股票價錢和分析市場波動方向,我現在屬於後者,在玩一種“誰最笨”的遊戲: "...playing a "greater-fool game," buying overvalued securities and expecting-hoping-to find someone, a greater fool, to buy from them at a still higher price. "

不懂:"Professional traders and so-called investors alike prize thirty- year Treasury bonds for their liquidity and use them to speculate on short-term interest rate movements, while never contemplating the prospect of actually holding them to maturity."


>> Thursday, July 01, 2010

1. 學會開車考駕照(目前上課時數: 6hr,考試時間:7/10)。
Class 1: 停車場和其外圍馬路。
Class 2: 馬路(25 mile/hr)。
Class 3: 小巷子。
Class 4: Quincy (35 mile/hr),倒車,U-turn。
Class 5: MIT附近,倒車,迴轉(三點turn),平行停車。
Class 6: 同Class 5。
Class 7: 坡上停車(上坡有curb,方向盤左打到滿,其他都是右打到滿),平行停車還是停不好,還有換車道也要加強。
2. 寫完來MIT後的第二篇paper(就算數據不足也要寫完,起碼有草稿)。
3. 除了美劇之外,每天最多看一集非美劇(日劇?)。
4. 不要一直上網。
5. 不要沈迷看股市數字。
6. 每週運動兩次。


Practice: Toastmaster Friday Club.


1. Leverage S3E5, Lie to me: S3E12, Criminal Minds: S6E9.
2. Learn French, and Spanish?
3. http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Non-Programmer%27s_Tutorial_for_Python_2.6
4. 學化妝。


2011/6過後: 歐洲

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