*In reply to An anisotropic constitutive relationship by a series of 8
chain models*
Matlab optimization
Numerical issues are really severe for my current simulation with MATLAB.
The computing speed is killing me if I use smaller time step for the
purpose of s...
Loves Me Not I complicated our lives. By falling in love with him. I complicated our lives. Now I'm losing my only friend. I don't know why, I had to try. Living my life on the other side. Now I'm so confused. I don't know what to do.
He loves me, He loves me not. She loves me, She loves me not. He loves me, He loves me not. She loves me... I started blurring the lines. Because I didn't care. I started crossing the line. Cause you were never there. No where to turn, No one to help, It's almost like I don't even know myself. Now I have to choose. I don't know what to do.